February 2019 Mews:

Happy Groundhog Day!

January was a long, cold month wasn’t it? In some places, really REALLY cold! Even here in Austin, Texas I bundled up my not-so-small puppers in parkas to complete their early morning task of walking the kids to school.


The Honorable Betty Quibbles and Dr. Rufus Grumbles

They strut when they have their jackets on, as if to say, “Look! I’m a people, too!”

In other anthropomorphized animal news, Punxsutawney Phil will be back tomorrow for his annual Spring forecast. In celebration, here’s my original Groundhog Day song — and it’s available for download, for FREE, through tomorrow night! This was the first song I wrote and recorded as “Ms. Kat” in 2013, although this is the 2017 re-release from the new studio.

I will keep you posted about upcoming FREE-to-families children’s music concerts. So far, we’re looking at a VERY busy April….

Meow, meow! See you around!